Originally from https://www.buzzfeed.com/alannabennett/some-of-us-read-hard?utm_term=4ldqpia
In celebration of raggedy-ass books.
There are a lot of beautiful, aesthetically pleasing pictures of books out there in pristine condition.
Moodboard / Getty Images / Via Thinkstock
And people get very passionate about keeping their books in tip-top shape. I get that. But that does not have to be the only way.
bookspines / Via instagram.com
Look, I'm not saying that I chop my books in half deliberately, like Meg Cabot did here.
Or, uh, at all. But you might! It might make it way easier to read in the pool, or your luggage might be too heavy and you REALLY, REALLY want to finish the book. And that might be OK!
Meg Cabot / Via megcabot.com
But it's COMPLETELY REASONABLE AND HUMAN to keep your books in less-than-pristine condition. In fact, we need to talk about how it can even be a sign of LOVE.
Gladiatorglory / Via instagram.com
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